Holiday Happenings at HDC!!!
All of the classrooms have been very busy getting ready for the holiday season. Here are just a few of the fun and festive things happening around the center.
Room 1 (Aimee & Celimar's room)
The children did a candy cane taste test with the flavors of peppermint, blueberry and cherry. Blueberry was the favorite and the children helped make the bar graph.
The children then conducted an experiment where they tested what would happen if they were to put the candy canes in water. Each candy cane got its own cup with water and one had all three candy canes in it to see what would happen.
The children worked on their fine motor skills by peeling and placing stickers on various fun holiday shapes.
The children picked the words and made lovely hand print paint resist posters for their classroom. The children then practiced writing the words afterwards.
The children dressed in the jammies the Friday before Christmas to watch the Polar Express! They enjoyed hot chocolate and candy canes to celebrate!
Room 2 (Joan & Mimi's room)
The children had a blast building their gingerbread houses today! Such a fun festive activity and great for fine motor.
The children made circle stamped evergreen trees and added pom poms for ornaments.
They also made fun texture collage stockings.
Their December homework was to disguise the gingerbread boy or girl. Thank you to all the families that worked together with your child to complete the assignment.
Room 3 (Jasmine's room)
The children discussed what Santa looks like and if they have seen him before.
The children worked together to make a collaborative illustration of Santa's workshop.
Jasmine and Marcie's classes combined the Friday before Christmas to watch the classic, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
Room 4 (Marcie's room)
The children worked on their patterning skills by making candy canes.
The children made some fun texture trees.
Room 5 (Sonia & Jessica's room)
The children made some cute gingerbread boys and girls and wrote their own story with ways to catch the gingerbread girl or boy.
Santa's workshop is up and running in the dramatic play area of the classroom. Here the children are wrapping presents, delivering them to their classmates, writing out their holiday cards, baking cookies in the kitchen and sharing with all their friends in the class.
The children decorated a piece of paper with various textures for homework to make a collaborative Christmas tree.
The children made and decorated ice cream cone trees! So fun! They had to follow the step by step guide and were able to enjoy their tasty treat or bring it home when they were done.
Table tree loose parts play. The children are using their fine motor skills and visual perception skills to cover all the tape outlining the tree.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!