Philosophy of Haverhill Daycare
Haverhill Daycare has the philosophy that Early Childhood should be a time of exploration and discovery. The staff is committed to providing a safe avenue for the child to expand horizons. Following the Massachusetts Preschool Guidelines, activities and experiences are offered that build self-esteem, stimulate language development, foster and enrich creativity, enhance small and large muscle development, skills in the areas of social studies, math, science and engineering and socialization skills. We provide a balanced time for quiet and active play. The staff encourages each child to participate in all activities while providing for his/her individual needs. The center strives to teach basic human values such as respect for themselves and others, trust, honesty, compassion and a sense of responsibility for themselves, their environment and the world around them.
Haverhill Daycare strives to support and nurture parents in their child rearing efforts and recognizes the diverse cultures and customs of our families.
Haverhill Daycare strives to support and nurture parents in their child rearing efforts and recognizes the diverse cultures and customs of our families.
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