As the season changes into Spring and the days are getting warmer many of the classrooms are talking about weather with the children. Here are a few of their weather related activities...
The children brain stormed words that relate to weather and were encouraged to sing the rain song together at circle.
The children practiced name recognition with their peers by matching the name clouds.
Rain drop pictures made by dripping water color paint onto the paper using an eye dropper for a fine motor workout.
The children had a blast making some weather stew in the sensory table. They were encouraged to use a variety of kitchen utensils and bowls and pick a card. They were then invited to count out the objects on the card and make their own weather stew! For an extension activity, the children wrote their own recipes and picked their own numbers of the items.
The children looked at various pictures of clouds and picked one to make using cotton balls and paint. This little cutie made altocumulus clouds.
The children had a fun sensory experience finger painting with clouds aka shaving cream!
The children discussed and graphed their favorite type of weather and season.
The children conducted a science experiment of a walking rainbow. They put the cups of colored water in a circle and added plain white paper towels to connect the colors. They then watched and observed to see the rainbow, "walk" across the paper towels and connect the colors. So cool!
Our three year olds made lovely stormy night collages and weather wind socks!
The children enjoyed all the weather related activities and lessons and we hope you enjoyed reading about them!