Well 2020 has certainly been an interesting year, and has brought many changes to all. Here at HDC the staff usually draws for secret Santa. We usually do small gifts during the week and one big gift at the staff party and all the Santa's are revealed. We were not able to draw names this year with all the shut downs and uncertainty and we certainly are not having any parties...
So Missy and I decided to do a little something special for the staff throughout the week!
Day 1.
Scratch ticket, candy and a Christmas bonus!
One of the teachers won $100! Woohoo!
Breakfast and coffee from dunks and a mystery gift!
Each one has a fun wearable!
Antlers, hat, tie haha who knows! LoL
Day 3.
"We tissue a Merry Christmas and a Happy no flu year!" Tissues and sanitizer! The necessities.
Day 4.
Snow day! No School!
Gotta love New England! Haha
We will save today's treat for the New Year as a fun welcome back!
Day 5.
A delicious lunch from Carbone's Kitchen!