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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Pre-K Families

The children are doing a great job adjusting to their new classrooms! They have been sharing stories about themselves and we are enjoying getting to know all of their personalities.
In room 1 (Aimee & Celimar's class) the children made self portraits.

They taped off the first letter of their names and used watercolors to paint. Once dry they took off the tape and practiced making letter sounds for themselves and their peers.

The children are working on fine motor and name recognition by using small stickers to put on their name. In order to peel a sticker you need to use your thumb and forefinger in pincer grasp. By strengthening the muscles in their hands it will help them with various tasks such as holding a writing utensil correctly and using it with control. 

The children have been discussing different types of homes and families. They each drew a picture of their families (pets included) and counted how many people and animals live in their home. Here is their classroom graph.

Question of the day: Do you have sisters, brothers or both? At morning meeting the teachers and children count and write the numbers in each column together. They then discuss which number is larger, smaller and what the grand total is.

The children made beautiful friendship collaborative art.

Finger painted masterpieces! The children are learning all about color mixing, each child chose two different colors to mix together and experiment with. 

In room 5 (Sonia and Jessica's class) the children are also learning about homes and families. They made their self portraits using multicultural colors.  

The children talked about why they love their family. Their answers are fabulous! Check them out below.

These children are also working their fine motor muscles by peeling stickers for the first letter in their name. 

The children wrote their names and made a graph of how many letters are in their names.  

The children have been creating some fabulous artwork.

The children made beautiful multicultural handprints. 

The children love singing their, I am Special

song (To the tune of Frère Jacques.)

I am special, I am special.
If you look, you will see.
Someone very special, someone very special.
That is me, that is me!

They sing it, clap while they sing, stomp while they sing and use a variety of voices to sing it (opera style, monster voices, etc...)

They added a tattle phone to their classroom! If you have a (not so serious) problem and you need to tell someone or you need advice you can give Captain America a call! Haha! A great way to cut down on the tattling and help them to really give themselves the tools to handle small situations that arise.
These are just a few of the great activities going on in pre-k!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Monthly Question

We have added a new element to our parent board, a monthly question. It is our hope to acquire quality feedback throughout the year so that we can constantly be making improvements.
If you have a chance please check it out and leave us a comment. We want to make sure we are reaching the needs of all of our families and we are open to any of your ideas!
This month the question is:
September: Do you and your child feel welcomed by the center?
*We did get a comment in our suggestion box about a child coughing and that we should be more strict with our illness policy. We would like to address this by saying that we do have many children who suffer from asthma and allergies. We monitor for fever, diarrhea, and possible communicable diseases but if we were to send each child home for just a cough some children would never be able to come to school. You can assist with this at home by teaching your child to cough into their elbow, wipe their nose with a tissue and wash their hands properly.

October: Do you feel you are able to contribute in decisions about the care and education of your child at our center?
November: Do you feel comfortable speaking with staff to discuss the needs of your child?

December: I feel that the center sets clear high expectations and goals for learning and behavior?

January: I am well informed of what is happening at my center?

February: Do you feel the food provided by the center is healthy and nutritious?

*We did get a comment about hot dogs, but we do not serve hot dogs at the center as they are considered a choking hazard and not very nutritious.

March: My child's ideas and opinions are valued by the center's educators?

April: Do you feel the center is meeting your expectations of care and learning opportunities?


May: The level of cleanliness is satisfactory at our center?

You can answer the question by simply placing a stone in the jar of your choice. If you would like to provide more info to your answer you can do so on the paper provided and leave it in our comment jar.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback. Your input is so important to us here at Haverhill Daycare Center and is vital in ensuring our ongoing quality improvement.

Friday, September 7, 2018


Welcome to Haverhill Daycare Center!
 This was our official first week of program! We are so excited for all of the new children and for all of our current students who are moving up.
Our classrooms have all been freshly painted and cleaned. The teachers have worked diligently setting up their classrooms and getting everything together. 

We are ready!!!
Make sure to take a picture with our back to school photo frame! #HaverhillDaycare
Here is our 2018 - 2019 classroom reveal...
Room 1 (Aimee & Celimar's Pre-K class)

Here is their parent wish list if you would like to donate to the classroom. 
Your kindness is so "a-mason".

Here is the parent communication area and the children's mailboxes. Each day the teachers will write in the notebook about the children's activities and things that happened throughout the day. On the left they will put the morning meeting book that they read earlier in the day. On the right is the parent mailboxes where the teachers will put any notices from them or the office. They ask that you please check it daily at pick up time.

In the hallway over the cubbies is where the teachers will post their classroom newsletters, menus, lesson plans and other parent info.  

Here is the morning meeting/literacy area.  

Here is the art center.

Science and discovery center.

Table toys / puzzle center.

Here is the birthday board! Each child will get to paint a wooden star on their birthday! How fun!

The blocks and construction area.

Lets make some music!

The dramatic play area.

Room 2 (Joan & Mimi's preschool class)

Here is their classroom wish list. If you are able they would be very happy to have you donate an item on one of the apples.

On the board as you walk into the classroom, they have posted their class newsletter, weekly lesson plan, daily schedule and other parent information.

On the mantel when you walk into the classroom is the parent communication book and parent folders. The teachers ask that you please read the book and check your folder at pick up time.

The children's mailboxes are on the left side of the mantel as well.

The morning meeting area.

The question of the day board.

The dramatic play area.

Table toys and math manipulatives.

The art center.

The puzzle shelf.

The science and discovery center.

The Block and construction area.

Room 3 (Marcie's preschool class)

Marcie's morning meeting area.

The blocks and building area.

Children's mailboxes.

The dramatic play area.

Room 4 (Jasmine's preschool class)

Here is the classroom wish list for Jasmine's class. If you are feeling sweet please take a treat!

Here is the parent communication shelf and children's mailboxes. On the top of the shelf is the parent communication book where Jasmine will be writing about the children's activities and what happened throughout the day. In the frames she has the monthly class newsletter and her weekly lesson plans.

Here is the art area.

Blocks and construction area.

Here is the dramatic play area.

Room 5 (Sonia & Jessica's Pre-K class)

Here is the parent communication area and student mailboxes. The parent folders are above on the right and the teachers ask that you please check them daily at pickup time. The notebook will be written in daily to let you know how the day went and what activities took place. Their parent wish list is in the donut box (they "donut" know what they would do without parents like you).

On the board outside the classroom is where they will post the monthly newsletters, lesson plans and menu.

The table toy and puzzle shelf.

Dramatic play area.

Listening and literacy area.

The blocks and construction area.

These are just a few of the great learning centers we have here at Haverhill Daycare Center!!!