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Monday, October 29, 2018

Pumpkin Squares

Today Marcie and Jasmine's classes worked together to make...
Pumpkin Squares!
Before they started the teachers made sure they had all the ingredients together, everyone's hands were washed and explained to the children that they would need to follow the recipe.
Step 1. Mix together 1 tsp. pumpkin and 3 tbs. whipped topping.
Stir, stir, stir!

Step. 2 Spread the mixture onto the graham cracker.
Sneak a spoonful!
Step 3. Put the other half of the graham cracker on top to make a sandwich.
Step 4. Put the pumpkin squares into the freezer.
Step 5. Eat and enjoy the yummy pumpkin squares!

Such an easy recipe and so fun to make! If you have a child who is a picky eater the best way to get them to try new things is for them to help make their own food. Cooking is such a great hands on activity for children and helps them to explore new foods and practice following directions. It is a great language experience as they converse with their peers and teachers about what step comes next and what the food tastes like. It also helps foster their social skills by having them practice waiting for their turn and sharing with their peers all while using good manners and hygiene practices. 

Friday, October 19, 2018


 Scarecrows Everywhere!

Chris' Farm Stand is having a scarecrow contest during their Pumpkin Festival on October 21st!

So HDC decided to get in on the fun!
Chris' Farm Stand is a great friend to HDC! They generously donate our beautiful vegetable garden along with Bradford Grange every year. The children are learning how to plant, grow and harvest the vegetables. Such a great way for the children to see where some of the food they eat comes from.

All of the classrooms and children got together to help make the scarecrow!
The Pre-K children in Sonia and Jessica's class helped collect leaves and stuffed the shirt until it was full. One of the children also drew our beautiful illustration that the scarecrow is holding.
Quick break to play with some of the leaves and the parachute!  

The three year olds in Marcie and Jasmine's class helped stuff the pants full of leaves!

Celimar's class helped stuff the head full of leaves. 

Joan and Mimi's class helped make the fabulous hat for the scarecrow. 

and ta da....
Our Haverhill Daycare Scarecrow!!!
We hope to see some of our families at the pumpkin festival on Sunday!!! Chris' Farm Stand is located at 436 Salem Street in Bradford!
Maybe your family scarecrow will be next to ours?
Our Scarecrow held up very nicely all weekend!
We will be picking up our scarecrow at the end of the week and bringing him home to our HDC garden!
I'm a Little Scarecrow
(To the tune of I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little scarecrow,
raggedy and worn.
I wear a hat
and a shirt that's torn.
When the crows come,
I wave and shout,
"Away from my garden!
Get on Out!"

Friday, October 12, 2018


Today Sonia and Jessica's
class made applesauce!
The children are learning how to follow a basic step by step recipe. Cooking in the classroom brings in great math skills, such as sequencing, measuring ingredients and time concepts.
Step 1. Wash your hands and the apples.
* Here the children are learning all about hygiene and sanitation.

Step 2. Peel the apples (with help from the teachers).
*Many of the children had never seen or used an apple peeler before.
Step 3. Cut the apples into slices and put them into the crock pot.
*With lots of supervision, the children were each given a knife to cut the apples into slices. They all did a great job and followed all the safety rules they were given.
Step 4. Add lemon juice, cinnamon, sugar and stir.
* We showed the children a little trick to juicing a lemon. If you roll it first it is much easier to squeeze the juice out and it's a great fine motor work out for their little hands!
Step 5. Add water and cook on high for 3 to 4 hours.
*We discussed with the children that the crockpot gets very hot and that for the teachers to leave it in the classroom the children had to be careful not to touch it. Once again they listened to the safety lesson and practiced great responsibility.
Step 6. Enjoy your delicious applesauce!
*The entire classroom and second floor of the school smelled so amazing all day! I bet it will still smell wonderful at pick up time today!
The children will be enjoying this yummy treat (that they worked so hard to create) at snack time today!
Have a great weekend everyone!

 Click here to see what the three year old classrooms are learning about apples.

Friday, October 5, 2018


Our preschool classrooms have been having a bushel of fun learning about apples and leaves.

In Joan and Mimi's class the children made terrific torn paper apples. A great way to get them using pincer grasp and to strengthen the muscles in their hands. 

Fancy fall trees where the children drew their own tree trunk and used corks to stamp the colorful leaves onto their trees.

 They did an apple voting graph of their favorite flavor of apple. 1 child chose red, 2 chose yellow and 3 chose green. They discussed which number was the highest and which number was the lowest.

They made apple names and are practicing making their letters.

In Marcie's class the children made apple painted apples! They put their piece of paper into a box, added paint then put a few apples inside and put on the lid. The children then got to shake the entire box (which is a great workout for the upper arm area) and the apples painted their paper. They then discussed the various textures and lines made by the apples and what colors were created when some of them mixed together.
The children made beautiful apple print baskets. The children had to use their fine motor muscles and cut the pieces for the basket. They then explored the inside of the apple and stamped their prints onto the paper.
Next, the children made apple figure puppets and bingo dauber apples.
 Bingo daubers are super tools for teaching kids how to place a mark in a designated spot. This helps with hand eye coordination and motor skills.
These are just a few of the great activities happening in our preschool classes. We love apples!!!
Click here to see how our Pre-K class made applesauce!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Art Gallery!

Art Gallery!

~ Ayden Age 5 ~

~ Abigail Age 4 ~

~ Jayden Age 4 ~
~ Jessica Age 9 ~
~ Sophya Age 8~
~ Jameson Age 7 ~
~ Heather Age 7~
~ Gabriel Age 8 ~

~ Lily Age 4 ~